
Grant Award from CCLT will Boost Acquisitions Capacity
Calfornia Poppy’s and Blue Sky Background for “we are proud to be a Capacity Building Grantee”

You are welcome here! These lands have been stewarded since time immemorial…
Deer Creek flows through your Deer Creek Preserve, which is held in fee-title by NCRLT

With Healthy Endowment Funds, Why are we Fundraising?
Our successful bidder from our 2023 Harvest Dinner holding her wire hair fox terrier puppy.

Making a Collective Impact for Stewardship Outcomes in Butte County
Members of the BCCG observe fuels reduction projects at Maple Creek Ranch in April 2024.

Welcome New Board Members: Ann Schwab & Roy Ekland
Roy Ekland and Ann Schwab the new board members of the Northern California Regional Land Trust.

Happy California Biodiversity Week!
Learn more about California's biodiversity and how you can help protect it.

Three Land Trusts and One Watershed
Staff from three land trusts in California float the Sacramento River.

Munch! How Grazing Goats Help Manage Forested Land
Grazing goats clearing an area of forested land in Butte County.

Drones: A Promising Solution for Land Trust Monitoring
A yellow drone flies in a clear, blue sky.

Stewardship Industry Night & Roundtables
A group of people gather at around a round table and listen intently to a speaker.

Our Inaugural Family Day on the Ranch!
A collage of youth on a cattle ranch roping, fly cast fishing and watching as a newborn calf is roped and tagged, while adult volunteers look on.

Deer Creek Preserve Sustained Minimal Impact from Park Fire
Photo collage of Cal Fire at Deer Creek Preserve after the Park Fire.

The Harvest Dinner 2024: Local Producers, Sponsors, and YOU!
A long dinner table set with green napkins and a white tablecloth, a barn, two people smiling and welcoming gestures, a table-scape of locally produced appetizers

Local Boy Scout Chapter helps on Preserve!
Boy Scouts from Chico, California working on signs for the Northern California Regional Land Trust.

30 x 30, CCED, and CPAD… OH MY!
Our protected lands are catalogued by GreenInfo, and visually displayed by California Protected Areas Database, CPAD. Read more here about a recent launch of updated info showing MANY new records of NCRLT’s conserved acres! …. and stay tuned!

Deer Creek Preserve
NCRLT’s “hidden gem” is Deer Creek Preserve, where the Sierra meets the Cascade, and where the public can enjoy a creek-side trail, and even join in on a free, guided hike!