Protecting working + wild lands forever.
Conservation is our thing.
Over 40,000 acres protected. More than productive 20 farms and ranches across the North State permanently sheltered for future generations. Over 600 acres of wild lands in the process of being opened up for public access, and 14,000 additional forested acres of private land protected through voluntary conservation easement. Whether you’re a landowner looking for options to protect your land or you represent an organization in need of biological monitoring assistance, learn more about the landscapes we work to protect and how we can help you meet your conservation objectives.
Professional Services
We offer consulting, professional services, and assistance related to conservation planning, transactional real estate and easement acquisitions, and natural resource management and monitoring.
Land Protection
In the past 35+ years, we have helped willing landowners to conserve over 40,000 acres of land across the North State. Alongside these partner landowners, we are closely involved in long-term stewardship.
Landowner Resources
The primary tool we use to assist landowners who wish to conserve their land is a conservation easement. However, other options may offer greater tax benefits to landowners or their heirs.

You can accelerate land protection.
Our work means that more wild landscapes will be opened up for public enjoyment. More kids will get to watch calves playing in open grasslands, and learn about local food systems. More farming and ranching families will be able to keep their homes and livelihoods intact and pass them on to their children. Put simply, your gift allows us to save more land as a legacy for future generations.