Generosity is beautiful.
Your Support Matters!
Are you passionate about protecting the natural beauty of Northern California? Do you value the preservation of open and working lands? At Northern California Regional Land Trust, we believe in the power of community involvement and the transformative impact of donations. As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity and support of individuals like you to help us preserve and protect the natural beauty of Butte, Glenn, and Tehama counties for generations to come. By donating to our cause, you are not only supporting our mission to protect working and wild lands forever, but you are also actively participating in creating a brighter future for our community. Your contribution allows us to acquire and conserve critical lands, safeguard ecosystems, and promote outdoor recreation. Together, we can ensure that the awe-inspiring landscapes we cherish remain intact, untouched by development, and accessible for everyone to enjoy.
Current Fundraisers
Click Campaigns button below to access capital, recurring and year-end giving options.
Click Donate button below for one -time contributions or manage recurring donations.
Other Ways to Give
Click Other Giving button below to access non-cash or passive donations (Cars or other vehicles).
Sponsorships Sustain our work - Please support our generous sponsors!
The Nature Conservancy ~ Sacramento River Ecotours ~ Friends of Butte Creek
La Rocca Vineyards ~ Andersen & Sons Shelling ~ Llano Seco ~ Boatique Winery ~ New Clairvaux Vineyard ~ Nicnut Farms ~ Big Bluff Ranch
Sigma Alpha Sorority ~ The Abbey of New Clairvaux ~ The Hotel Diamond Chico ~ Edward Jones

The Northern California Regional Land Trust is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Please retain your electronic donation receipt for your records.