Professional Services
Work with us.
Our staff assists agencies, landowners, and other community partners in the evaluation, facilitation, and implementation of conservation projects, programs, and strategies. We offer consulting, professional services, and assistance in three broad areas: planning, real estate, and resource management. Reach out to us to discuss your specific project needs.
Conservation Planning
Our staff bring a wealth of experience in navigating complex environments and mediating collaborative program or project development that reflects the objectives of multiple stakeholders. We can help you to integrate conservation values, current and projected zoning, existing land and resource conditions, governance, socioeconomic conditions, financial barriers, policy, and law into decision-making or development of alternatives for planning purposes.
Transactional Real Estate + Easement Acquisitions
We work with landowners and other partners to develop agricultural and conservation easement acquisitions that are financially viable and legally sound. Our staff have expertise in implementing land transactions that strategically meet landowners’ needs and resource conservation objectives. The Northern California Regional Land Trust currently holds conservation easements or fee title on over 36,000 acres of rangelands, open space, and prime farmland in the North State.
Natural Resource Management + Monitoring
Our staff are skilled in the management, monitoring, and conservation of wildlife, botanical resources, and wetlands. We work on private and public lands throughout the North State with a variety of partners, from federal agencies to leading NGOs to multi-generational ranching families. The Northern California Regional Land Trust currently assists with long-term monitoring and management on over 50,000 acres annually in Butte, Glenn, and Tehama County. Our staff can provide a broad suite of biological, natural resource, and GIS services.