30 x 30, CCED, and CPAD… OH MY!
The movement known as “30 by 30” originated in the past decade, with a goal to conserve 30 percent of the lands and waters by 2030. It’s both a worldwide, national, and state movement, and California’s 30 x 30 goals were codified in 2023 by Governor Newsom.
As 30 x 30 started making rounds on social media, the response was overwhelmingly positive. Led by California Natural Resources Agency, several strategies for achieving this objective have been crowd-sourced, recorded, and packaged as “pathways” to 30 x 30 conservation success.
Progress toward the overarching goal is managed by tracking conserved properties in two complementary databases, California Protected Areas Database (CPAD) and California Conservation Easement Database (CCED). GreenInfo Network (https://www.greeninfo.org/), out of Oakland, manages the data entry and visualization.
Just this week, GreenInfo launched an updated dataset, showing new activity in NCRLT’s service region! Our 40,000 protected acres, stretching from the Tehama/Shasta County line, with the Battle Creek Planning Unit, to the Butte/Glenn border with the incomparable Rancho Llano Seco, mixes with conserved properties held by The Nature Conservancy, USFWS, and CDFW, and others.
When you want to explore the latest and greatest in land conservation, take some time to peruse CCED and CPAD!